Baptists and the American Civil War: February 9, 1863

Civil War States MapNew York City’s governing body meets today. Appearing before city officials is a member of the First Baptist Church, who today advocates for the placement of gas lamps in front of the church building.

Petition from Board of Aldermen, of the First Baptist Church, in Broome-street, near the Bowery, to have two lamps placed in front of said Church, with resolution that the Street Commissioner cause two gas lamps to be placed in front of the Church corner of Broome and Elizabeth streets, without delay.

The request is thus granted.

In ways small and large, the local Baptist church scene of the North is much different than that of the South. While many Northrern congregations–located away from the fields of battle–prosper and grow throughout the war, hundreds of churches in the Confederacy are now shuttered or destroyed, while many more are barely able to keep their doors open.

Sources: “The City Government,” New York Times, February 10, 1863 (link); History of First Baptist Church New York City (link)