Baptists and the American Civil War: April 23, 1863

Civil War States MapIn the wake of the Richmond Bread Riot earlier this month, there is growing concern over food shortages within the Confederacy. A good growing season is imperative. Against this backdrop, an editorial in North Carolina Baptists’ Biblical Recorder offers advice to the farmers of North Carolina.

These are now the alternatives placed before us. If we can succeed in making a sufficient supply of provisions for the army and for home consumption, we shall be able to defeat the hopes and frustrate the plans of the enemy, and gain our independence. Otherwise subjugation is inevitable; for no people can fight or live without food. A short time since we laid before our readers the address of Gov. Vance, on this subject. This week we publish an address from Jefferson Davis in reference to the same matter. It is gratifying to know that the farmers of North Carolina appreciate the importance of this crisis and are preparing to do their whole duty. Meetings have been held in Wake, Warren and other counties, and suitable measures have been instituted. The great body of the farmers of North Carolina, we are sure, will be found equal to the emergency and will devote all their energies to the production of grain and meat. Those who make cotton and tobacco will be exceptions to the rule. Let every one do what he can, and let us, meanwhile, pray that the seasons may be propitious and that we may have an abundant harvest.

Source: “Bread or Subjugation,” Biblical Recorder, April 22, 1863 (link)