Baptists and the American Civil War: January 23, 1865

John Lansing Burrows

John Lansing Burrows

Today’s Richmond Daily Dispatch reports of early movements of Sherman‘s army out of Savannah. “One corps of Sherman’s army has been sent to Hilton Head in transports.–Large bodies of troops have moved from Savannah into Carolina within the past few days. Our informant thinks a movement on Branchville is intended; and, if successful, from thence to Columbia.

The bulk of the army awaits a break in the rainy weather. Sherman hopes to keep the Confederates guessing as to his true intentions.

Meanwhile, Confederate General John Bell Hood, his Army of the Tennessee having suffered a string of defeats in late 1864 and now in Mississippi, is relieved of his command. Lieutenant General Richard Taylor takes charge of what remains of the Army of the Tennessee, many of the troops having earlier left to join General Joseph E. Johnston in the Carolinas in order to counter Sherman.

In the Confederate capital, Richmond Baptist pastor John Lansing Burrows opens the day’s session of the Confederate Senate with prayer. This is one of many times that Burrows has prayed over congressional sessions.

Among the bills discussed this day are efforts to provide relief for suffering and indigent families of Confederate soldiers, one of which passes.

Sources: “From Savannah,” Richmond Daily Dispatch, January 23, 1865 (link); “Hood, John Bell,” Texas State Historical Association (link); Sherman; Hood; “John Bell Hood” (link);”Virginia Legislature,” Richmond Daily Dispatch, January 24, 1865 (link)