Baptists of Alabama’s Central Baptist Association meet at the Poplar Spring Baptist Church in Coosa County and, like so many other Southern Baptist associations this fall season, address the war and army missions.
Soon after assembling, the first resolution is passed.
Whereas, a large majority of our churches are in a cold, declining condition, and the judgments are being poured out upon us in the dread forms of war and want–
Be it resolved, That we spend a half hour in prayer each morning during this session to Almighty God, that religion may be revived in our churches, and that peace, liberty and plenty be restored to us.
In addition to prayer, messengers also express support of army missionaries and colporteurs.
Resolved, That we recognize the hand of God in this work, and that this Association and the friends present raise $161 00 to aid in sustaining our self-sacrificing ministers in this great work.
Resolved, That each individual member of the association be requested, on returning home, to bring the subject of army missions to the notice of their respective churches and congregations, and immediately raise such funds as they can and forward the same at once to our Domestic Mission Board, at Marion, for missions in the army.
Source: Minutes of the nineteenth annual session of Central Baptist Association, held with Poplar Spring Baptist Church, Coosa County, Ala., Oct. 3d & 5th, 1863 (link)