Baptists and the American Civil War: November 6, 1861

Jefferson DavisToday Jefferson Davis (a Kentucky native, like Abraham Lincoln) is elected as president of the Confederate States of America, following his service to this point as provisional president. The November election is confirmed in February, when electors from the Confederate States – each state having the same numbers of electors as they have members in the Confederate Congress – cast their votes for Davis. Running unopposed, Davis and vice presidential candidate Alexander Stephens (of Georgia) claim all 109 electoral votes. Their terms are for six years, a length of time expressing the outward confidence that southern politicians have of the long-term prospects for the Confederacy.

Southern Baptists such as Samuel Boykin have already expressed certainty that that the Confederacy is anointed of God and destined for a long, glorious future. In a few days hence, Alabama Baptists, expressing sentiments previously voiced by many Southern Baptists, enthusiastically praise Jefferson Davis for acknowledging the Confederacy – through official acts, proclamations and government imposed days of fasting and prayer – as a Christian nation.

Christian nation or not, the slave-based Confederacy proves short-lived. Davis remains president until May 5, 1865, at which time the Confederate government is officially dissolved. With the demise of the Confederate States of America, human slavery finally passes away from the annuls of the United States.

Sources: “Jefferson Davis Elected” (link)