Sam Houston, Texas Governor

Baptists and the American Civil War: February 23, 1861

The Texas legislator, having previously voted for secession on February 1, today by popular vote affirms Texas’ secession from the United States of America. By a vote of 46,153 for and 14,747 against secession, the popular vote echoes the legislator’s earlier lopsided vote. Afterwards, legislators rewrite the Texas Constitution. Changes to the Constitution include replacing…

Abraham Lincoln

Baptists and the American Civil War: February 16, 1861

The Charleston Mercury comments on Abraham Lincoln’s journey to Washington, D.C., for his presidential inauguration. The sentiments echo those of many white, slaveholding Baptists in the South: You will have read LINCOLN’S vulgar, insidious, and unmistakable coercion speech, at Indianapolis, ere this reaches you. The wilful ignorance of the federative nature of our government displayed…