Baptists and the American Civil War: October 10, 1862

Today Confederate Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, beloved of white Southern Baptists (and a Baptist church-goer as a teenager), is promoted to lieutenant general. Thus rewarded for his battlefield daring and bravery, upon Jackson’s shoulders falls ever more the burden of ensuring that the Confederacy emerges victorious over the United States. The general’s exploits are already…

Edward D. Muhlenberg

Baptists and the American Civil War: May 24, 1862

Not all German Baptist Brethren (Dunkers) are pacifists. First Lieutenant Edward Duchman Muhlenberg (1831-1883) of the 4th U.S. Artillery–Pennsylvania native, Yale graduate, civil engineer, and German Baptist–serves with Battery F in the First Battle of Winchester (Virginia) that unfolds late today and tomorrow. In the battle, Union forces led by Maj. General Nathaniel P. Banks…