Baptists and the American Civil War: October 28, 1863

Today the Pennsylvania Baptist Convention, assembled at Salem, reaches back to Roger Williams in declaring their unequivocal support–with the exception of one delegate–for the war against the Confederacy. Whereas, Tho history of Baptists is Interwoven with the history and triumphs of civil and religious liberty; and Whereas, Our national Government grew out of Baptist polity,…

Baptists and the American Civil War: May 29, 1863

A commentary in today’s Richmond Enquirer declares that the Confederacy, unlike “the Yankee nation,” manifests “the complete absence of religious intolerance.” Northerners, the writer argues, persecute Catholics. This persecution has been evidenced by Northern invaders on Southern soil: We have already seen that a Catholic Church in Florida was wrecked and ruined by regiments from…