Baptists and the American Civil War: June 13, 1863

Today “The Slave-Martyr,” a poem originally published in The American Baptist, is re-printed in The Anglo-African. The American Baptist is a publication of Northern (American) Baptists, produced weekly by the Utica, New York-based American Baptist Free Mission Society. The society and the publication are self-described as “intensely abolitionist.”  The Washington, D.C.-based abolitionist newspaper the National…

Baptists and the American Civil War: May 29, 1863

A commentary in today’s Richmond Enquirer declares that the Confederacy, unlike “the Yankee nation,” manifests “the complete absence of religious intolerance.” Northerners, the writer argues, persecute Catholics. This persecution has been evidenced by Northern invaders on Southern soil: We have already seen that a Catholic Church in Florida was wrecked and ruined by regiments from…