Baptists and the American Civil War: May 15, 1861

Montgomery Alabama 1861In Montgomery, Alabama, the birthplace and capital of the Confederate States of America, excitement runs high as Baptists join the ranks of new soldiers training and marching off to war.

An observer captures the scene in Montgomery today, albeit perhaps with a bit of exaggeration at certain points:

From my window at the top of the house, I see corn in silk and tassel. Three days ago the corn I saw was not three inches high. And blackberries are in season. Strawberries and peas are gone.

This city is mostly situated in a bottom on the Alabama River.

Being fatigued I did not visit the departments today, but employed myself in securing lodgings at a boarding-house. Here I met, the first time, with my friend Dr. W. T. Sawyer, of Hollow Square, Alabama. A skillful surgeon and Christian gentleman, his mission on earth seems to be one of pure beneficence. He had known me before we met, it appears; and I must say he did me many kind offices.

In the afternoon I walked to the capitol, a fine structure with massive columns, on a beautiful elevation, where I delivered several letters to the Virginia delegation in Congress. They were exceedingly kind to me, and proffered their services very freely.

Source: A Rebel Clerk’s Diary (link)