Baptists and the American Civil War: February 10, 1863

North Carolina MapNorth Carolina Baptists this week read an account of the faithfulness of three faithful young men from their state who are serving in the Confederate Army.

In the 60th Regiment of N. C. Troops there are three young members of the Berea Baptist Church. These brethren have had but few opportunities of attending public worship of any kind since they have been in the service. Deeply feeling the importance of communion with God they have entered into a mutual engagement to retire at stated times to engage in prayer, each leading in his turn. But one of these had ever prayed in public, before leaving home. But now they meet regularly and pray for each other, their country, and the loved ones at home. What a noble example! If all christians in the army would go and do likewise, they might maintain their integrity, and keep their armor bright, even if they are deprived of preaching, tracts, Bibles and all such religious influences.

If they would do this, they would obtain strength to resist the temptations of the camp life, and when the war is over, instead of returning with tarnished, injured christian characters, they might return purer and more useful christians;–by passing uninjured through the fiery ordeal of a soldier’s life, and by being prepared to take an active part in prayer meetings and in all good works.

Source: J. A. S., “A Good Example,” Biblical Recorder, February 11, 1863 (link)